Source code for py4syn.utils.scan

import collections
import datetime
from enum import Enum
import os
import pwd

import numpy

import py4syn as py4syn
from py4syn.epics.IScannable import IScannable
from py4syn.epics.StandardDevice import StandardDevice
from py4syn.utils.counter import *
from import fitGauss
from py4syn.utils.motor import *
from py4syn.utils.plotter import Plotter
from py4syn.writing.FileWriter import FileWriter
from py4syn.writing.DefaultWriter import DefaultWriter

def defaultPreScanCallback(**kwargs):

def defaultPostScanCallback(**kwargs):

def defaultPreScanOperationCallback(**kwargs):

def defaultScanOperationCallback(**kwargs):

def defaultPostScanOperationCallback(**kwargs):

global not_data_fields
not_data_fields = ['scan_object', 'scan_duration', 'scan_start', 'scan_end']

global SCAN_DATA
SCAN_DATA = collections.OrderedDict()


global SCAN_CMD




global XFIELD

global YFIELD

global FWHM
FWHM = 0

global FWHM_AT

global COM
COM = 0

global PEAK
PEAK = 0

global PEAK_AT

global MIN
MIN = 0

global MIN_AT
MIN_AT = 0



global FIT_SCAN







PRE_SCAN_CALLBACK = defaultPreScanCallback


PRE_OPERATION_CALLBACK = defaultPreScanOperationCallback

OPERATION_CALLBACK = defaultScanOperationCallback

POST_OPERATION_CALLBACK = defaultPostScanOperationCallback


POST_SCAN_CALLBACK = defaultPostScanCallback

[docs]class ScanType(Enum): SCAN = 0 MESH = 1 TIME = 2
[docs]class ScanStateEnum(str, Enum): idle = "idle" running = "running" error = "error" paused = "paused" interrupted = "interrupted"
[docs]class ScanInterruptedException(Exception): '''Scan was interrupted''' pass
# #UTILITARY FUNCTIONS # def findDevice(device): d = None if(isinstance(device, str)): if(device in py4syn.mtrDB): d = py4syn.mtrDB[device] elif(device in globals()): d = globals()[device] else: d = device if(isinstance(d, IScannable)): return d else: raise Exception("Error. Only Scannable devices can be used on a scan. Please Check.") def createUniqueFileName(name): import re leadingZeros = 4 fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(name) filePath, fileName = os.path.split(fileName) # check if fileName contains the number part and if so ignores it to # generate the next part expression = r'_\d{'+str(leadingZeros)+'}' fileName = re.sub(expression,'', fileName, count=1) fileName = os.path.join(filePath, fileName) newName = "" cont = 0 while(True): cont += 1 newName = fileName + "_" + str(cont).zfill(leadingZeros) + fileExtension if(os.path.isfile(newName)): continue else: break return newName def scanHeader(): global not_data_fields # insert scan devices header line = '' for key in SCAN_DATA.keys(): if(key in not_data_fields): continue line += ' ' if line != '' else '' line += key return line def fmt(n, precision): import math try: if(math.log10(abs(n)) < -precision): return '{:.{}e}'.format(n, precision) except Exception: pass return '{:.{}f}'.format(n, precision) def scanDataToLine(idx = -1, format=""): global not_data_fields line = '' for key, val in SCAN_DATA.items(): if(key in not_data_fields): continue line += ' ' if line != '' else '' try: if(format != ""): try: # some values are not possible to format, e.g strings, arrays, etc... line += fmt(val[idx], int(format)) except Exception: line += str(val[idx]) else: line += str(val[idx]) except Exception: line += 'N/A' return line
[docs]def fitData(x, y): """ Try to fit a Gaussian to data and calculate the MAX, FWHM and COM (Center of Mass) Parameters ---------- x : `array` X data y : `array` Y data Examples ---------- >>> fitData(myDataX, myDataY) >>> print("Peak ", PEAK, " at ", PEAK_AT) >>> print("Fwhm ", FWHM, " at ", FWHM_AT) >>> print("COM = ", COM) """ global FWHM global FWHM_AT global COM global PEAK global PEAK_AT global MIN global MIN_AT global FITTED_DATA global FIT_RESULT X = numpy.asarray(x) Y = numpy.asarray(y) d = fitGauss(X,Y) pkv = d[0] pkp = d[1] minv = d[2] minp = d[3] fwhm = d[4] fwhmp = d[5] com = d[6] result = d[7] FWHM = fwhm FWHM_AT = fwhmp COM = com PEAK = pkv PEAK_AT = pkp MIN = minv MIN_AT = minp try: FITTED_DATA = result.best_fit FIT_RESULT = result except Exception: FITTED_DATA = None FIT_RESULT = None
[docs]def plot(): """ Plot a graph using the fields set in XFIELD and YFIELD. Examples ---------- >>> setX("m1") >>> setY("det") >>> plot() """ global XFIELD global YFIELD global FIT_SCAN p = Plotter(title="Plot", daemon=True) p.createAxis("", label=YFIELD, xlabel=XFIELD, ylabel=YFIELD, grid=True, line_style="-", line_marker=".", line_color="blue") x = SCAN_DATA[XFIELD] y = SCAN_DATA[YFIELD] p.plot(x, y) if(FIT_SCAN): fitData(x, y) if(PRINT_SCAN): print("Peak ", PEAK, " at ", PEAK_AT) print("Min ", MIN, " at ", MIN_AT) print("FWHM ", FWHM, " at ", FWHM_AT) print("COM = ", COM)
[docs]def scan(*args, **kwargs): """ Run a scan with the given parameters Parameters ---------- args : `*` List of parameters in the following order: device, start, end, points, time or device, start, end, device2, start2, end2,..., deviceN, startN, endN, points, time, delay. .. note:: To use variable time for each point instead of an value user should pass an array with the time to count in each point. .. note:: Instead of the common use of start and end, one can use an array of points. Beware that the array length cannot be different of points parameter. .. note:: To use delay between points one can use a scalar value representing the number of seconds to wait until acquire next point, for variable delay time instead of an value user should pass an array. Examples ---------- >>> createMotor('m1', 'SOL:DMC1:m1') >>> createMotor('m2', 'SOL:DMC1:m2') >>> scalerSOL = Scaler("SOL2:SCALER", 10, "scalerSOL") >>> createCounter("seconds", scalerSOL, 1, factor=1e+7) >>> createCounter("S10", scalerSOL, 10, monitor=True) >>> setX("points") >>> setY("S10") >>> setOutput("/home/ABTLUS/hugo.slepicka/scan1.txt") >>> scan('m1', 0, 1, 15, 0.01) >>> print("Scan Ended") >>> print("Time elapsed: ", SCAN_DATA['scan_duration']) """ import numbers global SCAN_CMD SCAN_CMD = "scan("+", ".join(map(str, args)) + ")" device = None countTime = None waitingDevice = True waitingStart = False waitingEnd = False waitingSteps = False waitingTime = False waitingDelay = False # Criar Objeto Scan if 'scan' in kwargs: s = kwargs['scan'] else: s = Scan(ScanType.SCAN) param = None devs = [] starts = [] ends = [] points = [] steps = None for item in args: if(isinstance(item, numbers.Number)): waitingDevice = False if(waitingDevice): # check if its not the time device = findDevice(item) devs.append(device) waitingDevice = False waitingStart = True waitingEnd = False waitingSteps = False waitingTime = False continue if(waitingStart): # user sent the points array if isinstance(item, collections.Iterable): points.append(item) starts.append(None) ends.append(None) waitingDevice = True waitingStart = False waitingEnd = False waitingSteps = True waitingTime = False continue points.append(None) starts.append(item) waitingDevice = False waitingStart = False waitingEnd = True waitingSteps = False waitingTime = False continue if(waitingEnd): ends.append(item) waitingDevice = True waitingStart = False waitingEnd = False waitingSteps = True waitingTime = False continue if(waitingSteps): steps = item for i in range(len(devs)): param = ScanParam(devs[i]) if(starts[i] is None): param.setPoints(points[i]) else: param.setPoints(starts[i], ends[i], steps) s.addScanParam(param) waitingDevice = False waitingStart = False waitingEnd = False waitingSteps = False waitingTime = True continue if(waitingTime): countTime = item if(isinstance(countTime, collections.Iterable)): if(s.getNumberOfPoints() != len(countTime)): err_msg = 'Error creating the scan. The time array ({} ' \ 'points) and the scan ({} points) must have '\ 'the same number of points. Please check.' raise Exception(err_msg.format(len(countTime),s.getNumberOfPoints())) s.setCountTime(countTime) waitingTime = False waitingDelay = True continue if(waitingDelay): delayTime = item if(isinstance(delayTime, collections.Iterable)): if(s.getNumberOfPoints() != len(delayTime)): err_msg = 'Error creating the scan. The delay array ({} ' \ 'points) and the scan ({} points) must have '\ 'the same number of points. Please check.' raise Exception(err_msg.format(len(delayTime),s.getNumberOfPoints())) s.setDelayTime(delayTime) continue s.start()
[docs]def mesh(*kwargs): """ Run a mesh scan with the given parameters Parameters ---------- kwargs : `*` List of parameters in the following order: device, start, end, points, device2, start2, end2, points2, ..., deviceN, startN, endN, pointsN, time, delay. .. note:: To use variable time for each point instead of an value user should pass an array with the time to count in each point. .. note:: Instead of the common use of start and end, one can use an array of points. Beware that the array length cannot be different of points parameter. .. note:: To use delay between points one can use a scalar value representing the number of seconds to wait until acquire next point, for variable delay time instead of an value user should pass an array. Examples ---------- >>> createMotor('m1', 'SOL:DMC1:m1') >>> createMotor('m2', 'SOL:DMC1:m2') >>> scalerSOL = Scaler("SOL2:SCALER", 10, "scalerSOL") >>> createCounter("seconds", scalerSOL, 1, factor=1e+7) >>> createCounter("S10", scalerSOL, 10, monitor=True) >>> setX("points") >>> setY("S10") >>> setOutput("/home/ABTLUS/hugo.slepicka/mesh1.txt") >>> mesh('m1', 0, 1, 15, 'm2', 0, 180, 1001, 0.01) >>> print("Scan Ended") >>> print("Time elapsed: ", SCAN_DATA['scan_duration']) """ import numbers global SCAN_CMD SCAN_CMD = "mesh("+", ".join(map(str, kwargs)) + ")" device = None start = None end = None steps = None points = None countTime = None waitingDevice = True waitingSteps = False waitingTime = False waitingDelay = False # Criar Objeto Scan s = Scan(ScanType.MESH) param = None for item in kwargs: if(isinstance(item, numbers.Number)): waitingDevice = False if(waitingDevice): # check if its not the time device = findDevice(item) param = ScanParam(device) waitingDevice = False waitingSteps = True start = None end = None steps = None points = None continue if(waitingSteps): # user sent the points array if isinstance(item, collections.Iterable): points = item param.setPoints(points) s.addScanParam(param) waitingSteps = False waitingDevice = True waitingTime = True continue if(start is None): start = item continue if(end is None): end = item continue if(steps is None): if not isinstance(item, int): raise Exception('Step value is not a valid integer.' \ 'Please check.') steps = item param.setPoints(start, end, steps) s.addScanParam(param) waitingSteps = False waitingDevice = True waitingTime = True continue if(waitingTime): countTime = item if(isinstance(countTime, collections.Iterable)): if(s.getNumberOfPoints() != len(countTime)): err_msg = 'Error creating the mesh. The time array ({} '\ 'points) and the mesh ({} points) must have '\ 'the same number of points. Please check.' raise Exception(err_msg.format(len(countTime),s.getNumberOfPoints())) s.setCountTime(countTime) waitingDelay = True waitingTime = False continue if(waitingDelay): delayTime = item if(isinstance(delayTime, collections.Iterable)): if(s.getNumberOfPoints() != len(delayTime)): err_msg = 'Error creating the mesh. The delay array ({} '\ 'points) and the mesh ({} points) must have '\ 'the same number of points. Please check.' raise Exception(err_msg.format(len(delayTime),s.getNumberOfPoints())) s.setDelayTime(delayTime) continue s.start()
[docs]def timescan(t=1, delay=1, repeat=-1): """ Executes a scan in time. Parameters ---------- t : `double` Time in seconds to count delay : `double` Time to wait before new count repeat : `int` Number of repeats to acquire (default is infinity), if repeat = 1 it will run 2 times an acquire """ global SCAN_CMD SCAN_CMD = "timescan("+str(t)+", "+str(delay)+")" setX("points") # Criar Objeto Scan s = Scan(ScanType.TIME) s.setCountTime(t) s.setDelayTime(delay) s.setRepeat(repeat) s.start()
""" SCAN AND SCAN PARAM CLASSES """ class Scan(object): def __init__(self, type): global PRE_SCAN_CALLBACK global PRE_POINT_CALLBACK global PRE_OPERATION_CALLBACK global OPERATION_CALLBACK global POST_OPERATION_CALLBACK global POST_POINT_CALLBACK global POST_SCAN_CALLBACK self.setScanType(type) # state, pause and interrupt support self.__interrupt=False self.__pause=False self.__state = ScanStateEnum.idle self.__pause_polling_rate = 0.1 self.__scanParams = [] self.__minNumberOfPoints = 0 self.__countTime = 1 self.__delayTime = 0 self.__repeat = -1 self.__plotter = None self.__plotter_axis = None # callbacks self.__preScanCallback = PRE_SCAN_CALLBACK self.__prePointCallback = PRE_POINT_CALLBACK self.__preOperationCallback = PRE_OPERATION_CALLBACK self.__operationCallback = OPERATION_CALLBACK self.__postOperationCallback = POST_OPERATION_CALLBACK self.__postPointCallback = POST_POINT_CALLBACK self.__postScanCallback = POST_SCAN_CALLBACK # statistics self.__startTimestamp = None self.__endTimestamp = None def __str__(self): r = "" return r def setPlotter(self, p): self.__plotter = p def getPlotter(self): return self.__plotter def setPlotterAxis(self, a): self.__plotter_axis = a def getPlotterAxis(self): return self.__plotter_axis def setCountTime(self, t): self.__countTime = t def getCountTime(self): return self.__countTime def setRepeat(self, r): self.__repeat = r def getRepeat(self): return self.__repeat def setDelayTime(self, t): self.__delayTime = t def getDelayTime(self): return self.__delayTime def setScanType(self, t): if(t not in ScanType): raise Exception(t + " is not a valid ScanType, please check!") self.__scanType = t def addScanParam(self, param): if(self.__scanType == ScanType.SCAN): if (len(self.__scanParams) != 0) and (param.getNumberOfPoints() != self.__minNumberOfPoints): raise Exception('All devices must have the same number of'\ 'points, please check.') else: self.__minNumberOfPoints = param.getNumberOfPoints() self.__scanParams.append(param) def getScanParams(self): return self.__scanParams def setPreScanCallback(self, call): self.__preScanCallback = call def getPreScanCallback(self): return self.__preScanCallback def setPrePointCallback(self, call): self.__prePointCallback = call def getPrePointCallback(self): return self.__prePointCallback def setPreOperationCallback(self, call): self.__preOperationCallback = call def getPreOperationCallback(self): return self.__preOperationCallback def setOperationCallback(self, call): self.__operationCallback = call def getOperationCallback(self): return self.__operationCallback def setPostOperationCallback(self, call): self.__postOperationCallback = call def getPostOperationCallback(self): return self.__postOperationCallback def setPostPointCallback(self, call): self.__postPointCallback = call def getPostPointCallback(self): return self.__postPointCallback def setPostScanCallback(self, call): self.__postScanCallback = call def getPostScanCallback(self): return self.__postScanCallback def getNumberOfParams(self): return len(self.__scanParams) def getNumberOfPoints(self): if(self.__scanType == ScanType.SCAN): return self.__minNumberOfPoints elif(self.__scanType == ScanType.MESH): total = 1 for p in self.__scanParams: total *= len(p.getPoints()) return total def getStartTimestamp(self): return self.__startTimestamp def getEndTimestamp(self): return self.__endTimestamp def getElapsedTime(self): return self.__endTimestamp - self.__startTimestamp def getElapsedTimePerPoint(self): return self.getElapsedTime() / self.getNumberOfPoints() def setPausePoolingRate(rate): self.__pause_pooling_rate = float(rate) def interrupt(self): self.__interrupt=True self.__pause=False def pause(self): self.__pause=True def resume(self): if self.__state == ScanStateEnum.paused: self.__pause = False else: raise ValueError('Cannot resume, scan is not paused. Current state is: {}'.format(self.__state)) def getState(self): return self.__state def start(self): import datetime global XFIELD global YFIELD global USER_DATA_FIELDS global FILENAME global PARTIAL_WRITE global FILE_WRITER global SCAN_DATA global SCAN_COMMENT global SCAN_CMD # Setup of File Writer if FILE_WRITER is None: if(FILENAME is not None and FILENAME != ""): FILENAME = createUniqueFileName(FILENAME) FILE_WRITER = DefaultWriter(FILENAME) # Setup of SCAN_DATA with points, scannable and countable SCAN_DATA = collections.OrderedDict() SCAN_DATA['points'] = [] SCAN_DATA['scan_object'] = self for p in self.getScanParams(): dev = p.getDevice() SCAN_DATA[dev.getMnemonic()] = [] if(FILE_WRITER is not None): FILE_WRITER.insertDevice(dev.getMnemonic()) for c in py4syn.counterDB: if(py4syn.counterDB[c]['enable']): SCAN_DATA[c] = [] if(FILE_WRITER is not None): FILE_WRITER.insertSignal(c) for u in USER_DATA_FIELDS: SCAN_DATA[u] = [] if(FILE_WRITER is not None): FILE_WRITER.insertSignal(u) # if no value is passed, assume the first device of the scan if(XFIELD is None or XFIELD == "" or (XFIELD not in SCAN_DATA)): XFIELD = self.getScanParams()[0].getDevice().getMnemonic() # if no value is passed, assume the first device of the scan if(YFIELD is None or YFIELD == "" or (YFIELD not in SCAN_DATA)): try: YFIELD = list(py4syn.counterDB.keys())[0] except IndexError: YFIELD = XFIELD try: self.__startTimestamp = # Header Fields if(FILE_WRITER is not None): FILE_WRITER.setStartDate(self.__startTimestamp) FILE_WRITER.insertComment(SCAN_COMMENT) try: user = os.getlogin() except FileNotFoundError: user = os.environ.get('LOGNAME') or os.environ.get('USERNAME') if not user: user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] FILE_WRITER.setUsername(user) FILE_WRITER.setCommand(SCAN_CMD) FILE_WRITER.setDataSize(self.getNumberOfPoints()) # If its a partial write the header must be ready if(PARTIAL_WRITE and FILE_WRITER is not None): FILE_WRITER.writeHeader() # Define the scan as Running self.__state = ScanStateEnum.running if(self.__scanType == ScanType.SCAN): self.doScan() elif(self.__scanType == ScanType.MESH): self.doMesh() elif(self.__scanType == ScanType.TIME): self.doTime() else: self.__startTimestamp = self.__endTimestamp = raise Exception("Invalid Scan Type. Please Check.") self.__endTimestamp = self.__state = ScanStateEnum.idle if not PARTIAL_WRITE and FILE_WRITER is not None: print("\tSaving data to file: {}".format(FILENAME)) FILE_WRITER.setEndDate(self.__endTimestamp) FILE_WRITER.writeHeader() FILE_WRITER.writeData(idx=-1) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.__endTimestamp = self.__state = ScanStateEnum.interrupted print("\tUser Interrupted") if(FILENAME is not None and FILENAME != "" and not PARTIAL_WRITE and FILE_WRITER is not None): print("\tSaving data to file: {}".format(FILENAME)) FILE_WRITER.setEndDate(self.__endTimestamp) FILE_WRITER.writeHeader() FILE_WRITER.writeData(idx=-1) try: if(FILE_WRITER is not None): FILE_WRITER.close() except: pass self.__cleanup() SCAN_DATA['scan_start'] = self.getStartTimestamp() SCAN_DATA['scan_end'] = self.getEndTimestamp() SCAN_DATA['scan_duration'] = self.getElapsedTime() def __cleanup(self): global USER_DATA_FIELDS global FILE_WRITER global SCAN_PLOTTER global SCAN_PLOTTER_AXIS FILE_WRITER = None SCAN_PLOTTER = None SCAN_PLOTTER_AXIS = 1 def __waitDevices(self): for p in self.getScanParams(): p.getDevice().wait() def __launchCounters(self, **kwargs): t = self.getCountTime() idxs = kwargs["idx"] if isinstance(t, collections.Iterable): t = t[int(idxs[-1])] if(t < 0): ctr(t * -1, use_monitor=True, wait=False) else: ctr(t, wait=False) def __waitDelay(self, **kwargs): from time import sleep t = self.getDelayTime() idx = int(SCAN_DATA["points"][-1]) if isinstance(t, collections.Iterable): t = t[idx] if(t > 0): time.sleep(t) def __saveCounterData(self, **kwargs): t = self.getCountTime() idxs = kwargs["idx"] if isinstance(t, collections.Iterable): t = t[int(idxs[-1])] if(t < 0): waitAll(monitor=True) else: waitAll(monitor=False) stopAll() d = getCountersData() for k, v in d.items(): SCAN_DATA[k].append(v) def __printAndPlot(self, **kwargs): p = self.getPlotter() if(PLOT_GRAPH): p.plot(SCAN_DATA[XFIELD][-1], SCAN_DATA[YFIELD][-1], axis=self.getPlotterAxis()) if(PRINT_SCAN): print(scanDataToLine(format="4")) def __writeData(self, idx): global PARTIAL_WRITE global FILE_WRITER global SCAN_DATA if (FILE_WRITER is not None): for d in FILE_WRITER.getDevices(): try: FILE_WRITER.insertDeviceData(d, SCAN_DATA[d][idx]) except: pass for s in FILE_WRITER.getSignals(): try: FILE_WRITER.insertSignalData(s, SCAN_DATA[s][idx]) except: pass if PARTIAL_WRITE: FILE_WRITER.writeData(partial=PARTIAL_WRITE, idx=idx) def __initialize(self): global XFIELD global YFIELD global FILENAME global PLOT_GRAPH global PRINT_SCAN global DAEMON_GRAPH global SCAN_PLOTTER global SCAN_PLOTTER_AXIS s = self if(PLOT_GRAPH): if(SCAN_PLOTTER is None): p = Plotter("Scan: " + str(FILENAME), daemon=DAEMON_GRAPH) p.createAxis("", label=YFIELD, xlabel=XFIELD, ylabel=YFIELD, grid=True, line_style="-", line_marker=".", line_color="blue") SCAN_PLOTTER = p else: p = SCAN_PLOTTER s.setPlotter(p) if(SCAN_PLOTTER_AXIS is None or SCAN_PLOTTER_AXIS < 1): SCAN_PLOTTER_AXIS = 1 s.setPlotterAxis(SCAN_PLOTTER_AXIS) if(PRINT_SCAN): print(scanHeader()) def __terminate(self): global SCAN_DATA global FWHM global FWHM_AT global COM global PEAK global PEAK_AT global FIT_SCAN x = SCAN_DATA[XFIELD] y = SCAN_DATA[YFIELD] if(FIT_SCAN): fitData(x, y) if(PRINT_SCAN): print("Peak = ", PEAK, " at ", PEAK_AT) print("Fwhm = ", FWHM, " at ", FWHM_AT) print("COM = ", COM) def __check_pause_interrupt(self, pointIdx): if self.__pause: self.__state = ScanStateEnum.paused print('Pausing scan before point {}:'.format(pointIdx)) while self.__pause: time.sleep(self.__pause_polling_rate) if not self.__interrupt: print('Resuming scan at point {}:'.format(pointIdx)) if self.__interrupt: self.__state = ScanStateEnum.interrupted print('Aborting the Scan... Please wait for cleanup!') raise ScanInterruptedException() def doMesh(self): """ IDX = MOD(QUOTIENT(I,MULT(Steps(N->1))),Steps(N)) """ import operator import functools numberOfStepsArray = [p.getNumberOfPoints() for p in self.getScanParams()] multiplicationIndexArray = numpy.zeros(self.getNumberOfParams(), dtype=int) for i in range(0, self.getNumberOfParams()): if(i == self.getNumberOfParams() - 1): multiplicationIndexArray[i] = 1 else: multiplicationIndexArray[i] = functools.reduce(operator.mul, numberOfStepsArray[i + 1:]) def calculatePositionIndex(idx, divisor, steps): """ IDX = MOD(QUOTIENT(I,MULT(Steps(N->1))),Steps(N)) """ p1 = (idx // divisor) p2 = p1 % steps return p2 # Arrays to store positions and indexes to be used as callback arguments positions = [] indexes = [] # Pre Scan Callback if(self.__preScanCallback): self.__preScanCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) self.__initialize() # Scan main loop for pointIdx in range(0, self.getNumberOfPoints()): # Saves point index at SCAN_DATA SCAN_DATA['points'].append(pointIdx) # Pre Point Callback if(self.__prePointCallback): self.__prePointCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # verify pauses and interrupts try: self.__check_pause_interrupt(pointIdx) except ScanInterruptedException: break self.__waitDelay(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) positions = [] indexes = [] # iterate over each device (Scan Param) for deviceIdx in range(0, self.getNumberOfParams()): # Grab the ScanParam param = self.getScanParams()[deviceIdx] # Calculate the Index based on the scan point index and on the multiplication array idx = calculatePositionIndex(pointIdx, multiplicationIndexArray[deviceIdx], param.getNumberOfPoints()) # Set the setpoint into device param.getDevice().setValue(param.getPoints()[idx]) # Store the index and the position of the device for callbacks indexes.append(idx) # Wait for devices to reach the desired set point self.__waitDevices() for deviceIdx in range(0, self.getNumberOfParams()): # Grab the ScanParam param = self.getScanParams()[deviceIdx] # Store the index and the position of the device for callbacks positions.append(param.getDevice().getValue()) # Saves device position at SCAN_DATA SCAN_DATA[param.getDevice().getMnemonic()].append(param.getDevice().getValue()) # Pre Operation Callback if(self.__preOperationCallback): self.__preOperationCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # Launch the counters self.__launchCounters(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # Operation Callback if(self.__operationCallback): self.__operationCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # Save data to SCAN_DATA self.__saveCounterData(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # Post Operation Callback if(self.__postOperationCallback): self.__postOperationCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) self.__writeData(idx=pointIdx) # Updates the screen and plotter self.__printAndPlot() # Post Point Callback if(self.__postPointCallback): self.__postPointCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) self.__terminate() # Post Scan Callback if(self.__postScanCallback): self.__postScanCallback(scan=self) def doScan(self): # Arrays to store positions and indexes to be used as callback arguments positions = [] indexes = [] # Pre Scan Callback if(self.__preScanCallback): self.__preScanCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) self.__initialize() for pointIdx in range(0, self.getNumberOfPoints()): # Saves point index at SCAN_DATA SCAN_DATA['points'].append(pointIdx) # Pre Point Callback if(self.__prePointCallback): self.__prePointCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # verify pauses and interrupts try: self.__check_pause_interrupt(pointIdx) except ScanInterruptedException: break self.__waitDelay(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) positions = [] indexes = [] for deviceIdx in range(0, self.getNumberOfParams()): param = self.getScanParams()[deviceIdx] param.getDevice().setValue(param.getPoints()[pointIdx]) indexes.append(pointIdx) self.__waitDevices() for deviceIdx in range(0, self.getNumberOfParams()): param = self.getScanParams()[deviceIdx] positions.append(param.getDevice().getValue()) # Saves device position at SCAN_DATA SCAN_DATA[param.getDevice().getMnemonic()].append(param.getDevice().getValue()) # Pre Operation Callback if(self.__preOperationCallback): self.__preOperationCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # Launch the counters self.__launchCounters(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # Operation Callback if(self.__operationCallback): self.__operationCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # Save data to SCAN_DATA self.__saveCounterData(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # Post Operation Callback if(self.__postOperationCallback): self.__postOperationCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) self.__writeData(idx=pointIdx) # Updates the screen and plotter self.__printAndPlot() # Post Point Callback if(self.__postPointCallback): self.__postPointCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) self.__terminate() # Post Scan Callback if(self.__postScanCallback): self.__postScanCallback(scan=self) def doTime(self): positions = [] indexes = [] # Pre Scan Callback if(self.__preScanCallback): self.__preScanCallback(scan=self) self.__initialize() pointIdx = 0 while(True): # Pre Point Callback if(self.__prePointCallback): self.__prePointCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # verify pauses and interrupts try: self.__check_pause_interrupt(pointIdx) except ScanInterruptedException: break # Saves point index at SCAN_DATA SCAN_DATA['points'].append(pointIdx) positions = [pointIdx] indexes = [pointIdx] self.__waitDelay(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # Pre Operation Callback if(self.__preOperationCallback): self.__preOperationCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # Launch the counters self.__launchCounters(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # Operation Callback if(self.__operationCallback): self.__operationCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # Save data to SCAN_DATA self.__saveCounterData(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) # Post Operation Callback if(self.__postOperationCallback): self.__postOperationCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) self.__writeData(idx=pointIdx) # Updates the screen and plotter self.__printAndPlot() # Post Point Callback if(self.__postPointCallback): self.__postPointCallback(scan=self, pos=positions, idx=indexes) pointIdx += 1 if self.__repeat != -1 and self.__repeat < pointIdx: break self.__terminate() # Post Scan Callback if(self.__postScanCallback): self.__postScanCallback(scan=self) class ScanParam(object): def __init__(self, device): # if(not isinstance(device, IScannable)): # raise Exception("Error: Only scannable devices can be used on # scans. Please Check.") self.__device = device self.__points = [] def __str__(self): pointsstr = "[" + str(self.getPoints()[0]) + "..." + str(self.getPoints()[-1]) + "]" r = "#Scan Param: device = " + str(self.__device) + " / Points: " + pointsstr + " >" return r def getDevice(self): return self.__device def setPoints(self, start, end=None, steps=None): if(end is None): self.__points = start else: if steps < 1: raise Exception("At least one point is needed to create scan points") diff = (float(end) - start) / (steps) self.__points = [diff * i + start for i in range(steps + 1)] # PseudoMotors dont have Low and High Limit values d = self.getDevice() p = self.getPoints() if(isinstance(d, PseudoMotor)): if(not d.canPerformMovement(min(p))[0]): err_msg = 'Error. The lower value exceeds the Low Limit Value'\ ' for this device. Device: {}' raise Exception(err_msg.format(str(d))) if(not d.canPerformMovement(max(p))[0]): err_msg = 'Error. The higher value exceeds the High Limit Value'\ ' for this device. Device: {}' raise Exception(err_msg.format(str(d))) else: ll = d.getLowLimitValue() hl = d.getHighLimitValue() if ll == 0.0 and hl == 0.0: return if(ll > min(p)): err_msg = 'Error. The lower value exceeds the Low Limit Value'\ ' for this device. Device: {}, Low Limit: {}' raise Exception(err_msg.format(str(d), str(ll))) if(hl < max(p)): err_msg = 'Error. The higher value exceeds the High Limit Value'\ ' for this device. Device: {}, High Limit: {}' raise Exception(err_msg.format(str(d), str(hl))) def getPoints(self): return self.__points def getNumberOfPoints(self): return len(self.__points) # #GLOBALS GETTERS AND SETTERS #
[docs]def setPlotGraph(b): """ Set the global variable PLOT_GRAPH to enable or disable the live plot Parameters ---------- b : `bool` """ global PLOT_GRAPH PLOT_GRAPH = b
[docs]def getPlotGraph(): """ Get the global variable PLOT_GRAPH value Returns ---------- `bool` """ global PLOT_GRAPH return PLOT_GRAPH
[docs]def setFitScan(b): """ Set the global variable FIT_SCAN to enable or disable the scan fit at end Parameters ---------- b : `bool` """ global FIT_SCAN FIT_SCAN = b
[docs]def getFitScan(): """ Get the global variable FIT_SCAN to enable or disable the scan fit at end Returns ---------- `bool` """ global FIT_SCAN return FIT_SCAN
[docs]def setPrintScan(b): """ Set the global variable PRINT_SCAN to enable or disable the scan print on terminal Parameters ---------- b : `bool` """ global PRINT_SCAN PRINT_SCAN = b
[docs]def getPrintScan(): """ Get the global variable PRINT_SCAN value Returns ---------- `bool` """ global PRINT_SCAN return PRINT_SCAN
[docs]def setPreScanCallback(c): """ Set the pre scan callback. Parameters ---------- c : `function` A function to be executed .. note:: This function must receive an argument `**kwargs` Examples ---------- >>> def myCallback(**kwargs): >>> print("Print from my callback") >>> >>> setPreScanCallback(myCallback) >>> """ global PRE_SCAN_CALLBACK if not callable(c): raise Exception('Error. Only functions can be used as callbacks.'\ 'Please check.') PRE_SCAN_CALLBACK = c
[docs]def setPrePointCallback(c): """ Set the pre point callback. Parameters ---------- c : `function` A function to be executed .. note:: This function must receive an argument `**kwargs` Examples ---------- >>> def myCallback(**kwargs): >>> print("Print from my callback") >>> >>> setPrePointCallback(myCallback) >>> """ global PRE_POINT_CALLBACK if not callable(c): raise Exception('Error. Only functions can be used as callbacks. '\ 'Please check.') PRE_POINT_CALLBACK = c
[docs]def setPreOperationCallback(c): """ Set the pre operation callback. Parameters ---------- c : `function` A function to be executed .. note:: This function must receive an argument `**kwargs` Examples ---------- >>> def myCallback(**kwargs): >>> print("Print from my callback") >>> >>> setPreOperationCallback(myCallback) >>> """ global PRE_OPERATION_CALLBACK if not callable(c): raise Exception('Error. Only functions can be used as callbacks. '\ 'Please check.') PRE_OPERATION_CALLBACK = c
[docs]def setOperationCallback(c): """ Set the operation callback. Parameters ---------- c : `function` A function to be executed .. note:: This function must receive an argument `**kwargs` Examples ---------- >>> def myCallback(**kwargs): >>> print("Print from my callback") >>> >>> setOperationCallback(myCallback) >>> """ global OPERATION_CALLBACK if not callable(c): raise Exception('Error. Only functions can be used as callbacks. '\ 'Please check.') OPERATION_CALLBACK = c
[docs]def setPostOperationCallback(c): """ Set the post operation callback. Parameters ---------- c : `function` A function to be executed .. note:: This function must receive an argument `**kwargs` Examples ---------- >>> def myCallback(**kwargs): >>> print("Print from my callback") >>> >>> setPostOperationCallback(myCallback) >>> """ global POST_OPERATION_CALLBACK if not callable(c): raise Exception('Error. Only functions can be used as callbacks. '\ 'Please check.') POST_OPERATION_CALLBACK = c
[docs]def setPostPointCallback(c): """ Set the post point callback. Parameters ---------- c : `function` A function to be executed .. note:: This function must receive an argument `**kwargs` Examples ---------- >>> def myCallback(**kwargs): >>> print("Print from my callback") >>> >>> setPostPointCallback(myCallback) >>> """ global POST_POINT_CALLBACK if not callable(c): raise Exception('Error. Only functions can be used as callbacks. '\ 'Please check.') POST_POINT_CALLBACK = c
[docs]def setPostScanCallback(c): """ Set the post scan callback. Parameters ---------- c : `function` A function to be executed .. note:: This function must receive an argument `**kwargs` Examples ---------- >>> def myCallback(**kwargs): >>> print("Print from my callback") >>> >>> setPostScanCallback(myCallback) >>> """ global POST_SCAN_CALLBACK if not callable(c): raise Exception('Error. Only functions can be used as callbacks. '\ 'Please check.') POST_SCAN_CALLBACK = c
[docs]def getPreScanCallback(c): """ Get the pre scan callback. Returns ------- `function` """ global PRE_SCAN_CALLBACK return PRE_SCAN_CALLBACK
[docs]def getPrePointCallback(c): """ Get the pre point callback. Returns ------- `function` """ global PRE_POINT_CALLBACK return PRE_POINT_CALLBACK
[docs]def getPreOperationCallback(c): """ Get the pre operation callback. Returns ------- `function` """ global PRE_OPERATION_CALLBACK return PRE_OPERATION_CALLBACK
[docs]def getOperationCallback(c): """ Get the operation callback. Returns ------- `function` """ global OPERATION_CALLBACK return OPERATION_CALLBACK
[docs]def getPostOperationCallback(c): """ Get the post operation callback. Returns ------- `function` """ global POST_OPERATION_CALLBACK return POST_OPERATION_CALLBACK
[docs]def getPostPointCallback(c): """ Get the post point callback. Returns ------- `function` """ global POST_POINT_CALLBACK return POST_POINT_CALLBACK
[docs]def getPostScanCallback(c): """ Get the post scan callback. Returns ------- `function` """ global POST_SCAN_CALLBACK return POST_SCAN_CALLBACK
[docs]def setFileWriter(writer): """ Set the file writer to be used in order to save the data. If None is informed the **DefaultWriter** is used, generating a PyMCA-like file. Parameters ---------- writer : `FileWriter` Examples ---------- >>> writer = DefaultWriter("/tmp/test.txt") >>> setFileWrite(writer) """ global FILE_WRITER if not isinstance(writer, FileWriter): raise Exception('Error. The parameter is not a valid File Writer. '\ 'Please check.') FILE_WRITER = writer
[docs]def getFileWriter(): """ Get the current File Writer. See :class:`py4syn.writing.FileWriter` Returns ------- `FileWriter` """ global FILE_WRITER return FILE_WRITER
[docs]def setPartialWrite(partial): """ Set enable or disable the Partial Write, if partial is set to **True** then the data written every iteration, otherwise data is only saved at the end. Parameters ---------- partial : `bool` Examples ---------- >>> setPartialWrite(True) """ global PARTIAL_WRITE PARTIAL_WRITE = partial
[docs]def getPartialWrite(): """ Check if Partial write is enable. Returns ------- `bool` """ global PARTIAL_WRITE return PARTIAL_WRITE
[docs]def setOutput(out): """ Set the Output, if output is set to **None** then the data is only stored in the SCAN_DATA dictionary. Parameters ---------- out : `string` The complete filename. .. note:: The files will be renamed to fit the format: filename_000N.ext. Each file represents one scan and they are automatically incremented. Examples ---------- >>> setOutput("/home/user/teste.txt") """ global FILENAME FILENAME = out
[docs]def getOutput(): """ Get the Output, if output is set to **None** then the data is only stored in the SCAN_DATA dictionary. Returns ------- `string` """ global FILENAME return FILENAME
[docs]def setX(x): """ Set which field will be used to plot in the X axis Parameters ---------- x : `string` Mneumonic of the data, e.g. "m1", "tth", "det", "mon" Examples ---------- >>> setX("tth") """ global XFIELD XFIELD = x
[docs]def setY(y): """ Set which field will be used to plot in the Y axis Parameters ---------- y : `string` Mneumonic of the data, e.g. "m1", "tth", "det", "mon" Examples ---------- >>> setY("mon") """ global YFIELD YFIELD = y
[docs]def getX(): """ Get which field will be used to plot in the X axis Returns ------- `string` """ global XFIELD return XFIELD
[docs]def getY(): """ Get which field will be used to plot in the X axis Returns ------- `string` """ global YFIELD return YFIELD
[docs]def getScanData(): """ Get the SCAN_DATA dictionary Returns ------- `dictionary` """ global SCAN_DATA return SCAN_DATA
[docs]def getFitValues(): """ Get the Fit values (Peak value, Peak Position, FWHM, FWHM Position and Center of Mass) Returns ------- `list` """ global PEAK global PEAK_AT global FWHM global FWHM_AT global COM return PEAK, PEAK_AT, FWHM, FWHM_AT, COM
[docs]def getPeak(): """ Get the Peak value of Fit Returns ------- `double` """ return PEAK
[docs]def getPeakAt(): """ Get the Peak position of Fit Returns ------- `double` """ return PEAK_AT
[docs]def getFwhm(): """ Get the FWHM value of Fit Returns ------- `double` """ return FWHM
[docs]def getFwhmAt(): """ Get the FWHM position of Fit Returns ------- `double` """ return FWHM_AT
[docs]def getMin(): """ Get the Min value of Fit Returns ------- `double` """ return MIN
[docs]def getMinAt(): """ Get the Min position of Fit Returns ------- `double` """ return FWHM_AT
[docs]def getCom(): """ Get the Center Of Mass of Fit (COM) Returns ------- `double` """ return COM
[docs]def getFittedData(): """ Get the best fit data. Returns ------- `array` """ return FITTED_DATA
[docs]def getFitResult(): """ Get the fit results. Returns ------- `ModelFit` """ return FIT_RESULT
[docs]def getScanCommand(): """ Get the last scan command executed Returns ------- `string` """ global SCAN_CMD return SCAN_CMD
def getUserDefinedDataFields(): global USER_DATA_FIELDS return USER_DATA_FIELDS
[docs]def createUserDefinedDataField(field_name): """ Create an user defined field in the SCAN_DATA dictionary Parameters ---------- field_name : `string` Field name Examples ---------- >>> createUserDefinedDataField("norm") """ global USER_DATA_FIELDS USER_DATA_FIELDS.append(field_name)
[docs]def removeUserDefinedDataField(field_name): """ Remove an user defined field in the SCAN_DATA dictionary Parameters ---------- field_name : `string` Field name Examples ---------- >>> removeUserDefinedDataField("norm") """ global USER_DATA_FIELDS USER_DATA_FIELDS.remove(field_name)
[docs]def clearUserDefinedDataField(): """ Remove all user defined fields Examples ---------- >>> clearUserDefinedDataField() """ global USER_DATA_FIELDS USER_DATA_FIELDS = []
[docs]def setPlotDaemon(b): """ Configure if the scan plot should or not be daemon Parameters ---------- b : `bool` True of False indicating if should be daemon Examples ---------- >>> setPlotDaemon(True) """ global DAEMON_GRAPH DAEMON_GRAPH = b
[docs]def setScanComment(c): """ Insert a custom comment in the scan file Parameters ---------- c : `string` The comment to be inserted Examples ---------- >>> setScanComment("Scan of sample X, using Y") """ global SCAN_COMMENT SCAN_COMMENT = c
[docs]def getScanComment(): """ Get the custom comment Returns ---------- `string` The comment to be inserted Examples ---------- >>> print(getScanComment()) """ global SCAN_COMMENT return SCAN_COMMENT
[docs]def setScanPlotter(p): """ Define the Plotter to be used in the scan Parameters ---------- p : `Plotter` The plotter to be used Examples ---------- >>> p = Plotter("My Plotter ", daemon=False) >>> setScanPlotter(p) """ if isinstance(p, Plotter): global SCAN_PLOTTER SCAN_PLOTTER = p else: raise Exception('Error. Parameter is not a valid Plotter. '\ 'Please check.')
[docs]def getScanPlotter(): """ Get the current plotter Returns ---------- `Plotter` The current plotter Examples ---------- >>> p = getScanPlotter() """ global SCAN_PLOTTER return SCAN_PLOTTER
[docs]def setScanPlotterAxis(ax): """ Define the axis index to be used when plotting Parameters ---------- ax : `int` The axis index to be used when plotting Examples ---------- >>> p = Plotter("My Plotter ", daemon=False) >>> p.createAxis("", label="Data label", xlabel="Energy", ylabel="I0", >>> grid=True, line_style="-", line_marker=".", line_color="blue") >>> setScanPlotter(p) >>> setScanPlotterAxis(1) """ if ax > 0: global SCAN_PLOTTER_AXIS SCAN_PLOTTER_AXIS = ax else: raise Exception("Error. Invalid axis value index.")
[docs]def getScanPlotterAxis(): """ Get the current plotter axis Returns ---------- `int` The current axis Examples ---------- >>> p = getScanPlotterAxis() """ global SCAN_PLOTTER_AXIS return SCAN_PLOTTER_AXIS
if __name__ == "__main__": #createMotor('m1', 'SOL:DMC1:m1') #createMotor('m2', 'SOL:DMC1:m2') #ummv(m1=0, m2=0) scalerSOL = Scaler("IMX:SCALER", 13, "scalerIMX") createCounter("seconds", scalerSOL, 1, factor=1e+7) createCounter("cyberstar", scalerSOL, 13, monitor=True) createUserDefinedDataField("myField") setX("m1") setY("cyberstar") setOutput("/home/ABTLUS/hugo.slepicka/testeHugo.txt") #scan('m1', 0, 1, 100, 0.01) timescan(1, 1) print("Scan Ended") print("Time elapsed: ", SCAN_DATA['scan_duration'])