Motor Functions

py4syn.utils.motor.createMotor(name='', PV='')[source]

Create and add a motor to the mtrDB dictionary

name : string

Mnemonic of the motor

PV : string

The Epics PV for this Motor


>>> from py4syn.utils.motor import *
>>> mtop = 'mtop'
>>> mbot = 'mbot'
>>> createMotor(mtop,'SOL:DMC1:m3') # creates a motor using the mnemonic and PV.
>>> createMotor(mbot,'SOL:DMC1:m4')
>>> umv(mtop, 10) # move the motor mtop to the position 10.
>>> wa() # print the position of all motors registered.
>>> mtopPosition = wmr(mtop) # store the motor mtop position in the variable mtopPosition.
py4syn.utils.motor.createPseudoMotor(name='', description='', backFormula='', forwardDict={})[source]

Create and add a pseudo-motor to the mtrDB dictionary

name : string

Mnemonic of the pseudo-motor

description : string

Description of the pseudo-motor

backFormula : string

Formula to define the pseudo-motor position based on other motors


  • Numpy and Math functions can be used on formulas, specially form numpy users must explicit declare it, e.g. numpy.linalg.solve(..)
  • T refers to the motor Target position
  • A refers to the motor Actual position
forwardDict : dictionary

A dictionary that contains a formula to be applied for each motor when the pseudo-motor is moved


  • Numpy and Math functions can be used on formulas, specially form numpy users must explicit declare it, e.g. numpy.linalg.solve(..)
  • T refers to the motor Target position
  • A refers to the motor Actual position


>>> from py4syn.utils.motor import *
>>> # Define the formula to calculate the Bragg Value
>>> braggBackFormula = "asin(1.977/A[energy])"
>>> # Define the relationship between thetaCrystal and bragg target value
>>> braggForwardDict = {"thetaCrystal": "T[bragg]"}
>>> # Define the formula to calculate the Energy Value
>>> energyBackFormula = "1.977/sin(A[thetaCrystal])"
>>> # Define the relationship between the needed motors and the energy target value
>>> energyForwardDict = {"bragg": "asin(1.977/T[energy])",
>>>                      "gap": "A[beamOffset]*tan(T[bragg])/ (sin(T[bragg])+(cos(T[bragg])*tan(T[bragg])))",
>>>                      "trans":"A[beamOffset]/(sin(T[bragg])+(cos(T[bragg])*tan(T[bragg])))"}
>>> # Define the formula to calculate the Beam Offset and the 
>>> beamOffsetBackFormula = "2*A[trans]*tan(A[bragg])*cos(A[bragg])"
>>> # Define the relationship between the needed motors and the beam offset 
>>> beamOffsetForwardDict = {"trans": "T[beamOffset]/(sin(A[bragg])+cos(A[bragg])*tan(A[bragg]))",
>>>                          "gap": "(T[beamOffset]*tan(A[bragg]))/(sin(A[bragg])+(cos(A[bragg])*tan(A[bragg])))"}
>>> # Crete a simple motor for the 2nd Crystal Translation
>>> createMotor("trans", "SOL:DMC1:m1")
>>> # Crete a simple motor for the 2nd Crystal Gap
>>> createMotor("gap", "SOL:DMC1:m3")
>>> # Crete a simple motor for the 1st Crystal Rotation
>>> createMotor("thetaCrystal", "SOL:DMC1:m4")
>>> # Create the Pseudo motor Bragg, Energy and BeamOffset with the respective formulas and relationships
>>> createPseudoMotor("bragg", "Bragg Angle (radians)", backFormula=braggBackFormula, forwardDict=braggForwardDict)
>>> createPseudoMotor("energy", "Energy (kev)", backFormula=energyBackFormula, forwardDict=energyForwardDict)
>>> createPseudoMotor("beamOffset", "Beam offset (mm)", backFormula=beamOffsetBackFormula, forwardDict=beamOffsetForwardDict)
>>> # Print all motor positions
>>> wa()
>>> # Move the motor Energy to the value 2.
>>> mv("energy", 4, wait=True)
>>> # Print all motor positions
>>> wa()

Show the motors limits in dial and user coordinates


Show the motors limits switch state


Perform absolute movement in multiple motors at almost the same time

kargs : string

The motor name and desired position, e.g. x=10,y=10


Perform relative movement in multiple motors at almost the same time

kargs : string

The motor name and desired position, e.g. x=10,y=10, position, wait=True)[source]

Move the desired motor to an absolute position, can or not wait until movement ends,**don’t** show the position while moving.

motor : string

Mnemonic of the motor used on the createMotor and createPseudoMotor functions

position : double

The desired absolute position

wait : bool

Optional parameter that indicates if this function must wait until the movement finishes. Default value is True


  • If wait is set to False the code will follow as the motor moves.
py4syn.utils.motor.mvr(motor, position, wait=True)[source]

Move the desired motor to a relative position, can or not wait until movement ends,**don’t** show the position while moving.

motor : string

Mnemonic of the motor used on the createMotor and createPseudoMotor functions

position : double

The desired relative position

wait : bool

Optional parameter that indicates if this function must wait until the movement finishes. Default value is True


  • If wait is set to False the code will follow as the motor moves.

Print information without an new line

s : string

Text to be printed

py4syn.utils.motor.set(mtr, position)[source]

Change the motor user coordinates

mtr : string

Mnemonic of the motor used on the createMotor and createPseudoMotor functions

position : double

Desired position for user coordinates

py4syn.utils.motor.set_dial(mtr, position)[source]

Change the motor dial coordinates

mtr : string

Mnemonic of the motor used on the createMotor and createPseudoMotor functions

position : double

Desired position for dial coordinates

py4syn.utils.motor.set_lm(mtr, ll, hl)[source]

Set the motor soft limits in user coordinates, will change DHLM and DLLM

mtr : string

Mnemonic of the motor used on the createMotor and createPseudoMotor functions

ll : double

Low Soft Limit value

hl : double

High Soft Limit value


Stops all motors in py4syn.mtrDB dictionary, step)[source]

Move the desired motor relative, wait the movement end and ask if you need to move again

mtr : string

Mnemonic of the motor used on the createMotor and createPseudoMotor functions

step : double

Desired relative step size


Perform absolute movement in multiple motors at almost the same time and wait until movement finishes

kargs : string

The motor name and desired position, e.g. x=10,y=10


Perform relative movement in multiple motors at almost the same time and wait until movement finishes

kargs : string

The motor name and desired position, e.g. x=10,y=10

py4syn.utils.motor.umv(motor, position)[source]

Move the desired motor to an absolute position, waiting until movement ends,and show the position while it happens.

motor : string

Mnemonic of the motor used on the createMotor and createPseudoMotor functions

position : double

The desired absolute position

py4syn.utils.motor.umvr(motor, position)[source]

Move the desired motor to a relative position, waiting until movement ends,and show the position while it happens.

motor : string

Mnemonic of the motor used on the createMotor and createPseudoMotor functions

position : double

The desired relative position


Show the motor positions in dial and user coordinates


Show the position of one specific motor in dial and user coordinates

mtr : string

Mnemonic of the motor used on the createMotor and createPseudoMotor functions


Return the motor position in user coordinates

mtr : string

Mnemonic of the motor used on the createMotor and createPseudoMotor functions


Motor position in user coordinates