Source code for py4syn.utils.motor

import sys
import time
from epics import ca
import py4syn as py4syn
from py4syn.epics.MotorClass import Motor
from py4syn.epics.PseudoMotorClass import PseudoMotor

polling = 0.1
show_info = False

[docs]def createPseudoMotor(name ="", description="", backFormula="", forwardDict={}): """ Create and add a pseudo-motor to the mtrDB dictionary Parameters ---------- name : `string` Mnemonic of the pseudo-motor description : `string` Description of the pseudo-motor backFormula : `string` Formula to define the pseudo-motor position based on other motors .. note:: - **Numpy** and **Math** functions can be used on formulas, specially form numpy users must explicit declare it, e.g. `numpy.linalg.solve(..)` - **T** refers to the motor **Target** position - **A** refers to the motor **Actual** position forwardDict : `dictionary` A dictionary that contains a formula to be applied for each motor when the pseudo-motor is moved .. note:: - **Numpy** and **Math** functions can be used on formulas, specially form numpy users must explicit declare it, e.g. `numpy.linalg.solve(..)` - **T** refers to the motor **Target** position - **A** refers to the motor **Actual** position Examples ---------- >>> from py4syn.utils.motor import * >>> >>> # Define the formula to calculate the Bragg Value >>> braggBackFormula = "asin(1.977/A[energy])" >>> >>> # Define the relationship between thetaCrystal and bragg target value >>> braggForwardDict = {"thetaCrystal": "T[bragg]"} >>> >>> # Define the formula to calculate the Energy Value >>> energyBackFormula = "1.977/sin(A[thetaCrystal])" >>> >>> # Define the relationship between the needed motors and the energy target value >>> energyForwardDict = {"bragg": "asin(1.977/T[energy])", >>> "gap": "A[beamOffset]*tan(T[bragg])/ (sin(T[bragg])+(cos(T[bragg])*tan(T[bragg])))", >>> "trans":"A[beamOffset]/(sin(T[bragg])+(cos(T[bragg])*tan(T[bragg])))"} >>> >>> # Define the formula to calculate the Beam Offset and the >>> beamOffsetBackFormula = "2*A[trans]*tan(A[bragg])*cos(A[bragg])" >>> >>> # Define the relationship between the needed motors and the beam offset >>> beamOffsetForwardDict = {"trans": "T[beamOffset]/(sin(A[bragg])+cos(A[bragg])*tan(A[bragg]))", >>> "gap": "(T[beamOffset]*tan(A[bragg]))/(sin(A[bragg])+(cos(A[bragg])*tan(A[bragg])))"} >>> >>> # Crete a simple motor for the 2nd Crystal Translation >>> createMotor("trans", "SOL:DMC1:m1") >>> >>> # Crete a simple motor for the 2nd Crystal Gap >>> createMotor("gap", "SOL:DMC1:m3") >>> >>> # Crete a simple motor for the 1st Crystal Rotation >>> createMotor("thetaCrystal", "SOL:DMC1:m4") >>> >>> >>> # Create the Pseudo motor Bragg, Energy and BeamOffset with the respective formulas and relationships >>> createPseudoMotor("bragg", "Bragg Angle (radians)", backFormula=braggBackFormula, forwardDict=braggForwardDict) >>> createPseudoMotor("energy", "Energy (kev)", backFormula=energyBackFormula, forwardDict=energyForwardDict) >>> createPseudoMotor("beamOffset", "Beam offset (mm)", backFormula=beamOffsetBackFormula, forwardDict=beamOffsetForwardDict) >>> >>> # Print all motor positions >>> wa() >>> >>> # Move the motor Energy to the value 2. >>> mv("energy", 4, wait=True) >>> >>> # Print all motor positions >>> wa() """ try: if name not in py4syn.mtrDB: py4syn.mtrDB[name] = PseudoMotor(name, description, backFormula, forwardDict) if show_info: print("") print("\tMotor " + name + " created with success.") else: print("") print("\tName " + name + " already created") except Exception as e: print ("\tError: ",e)
[docs]def createMotor(name ="",PV=""): """ Create and add a motor to the mtrDB dictionary Parameters ---------- name : `string` Mnemonic of the motor PV : `string` The Epics PV for this Motor Examples ---------- >>> from py4syn.utils.motor import * >>> mtop = 'mtop' >>> mbot = 'mbot' >>> createMotor(mtop,'SOL:DMC1:m3') # creates a motor using the mnemonic and PV. >>> createMotor(mbot,'SOL:DMC1:m4') >>> umv(mtop, 10) # move the motor mtop to the position 10. >>> wa() # print the position of all motors registered. >>> mtopPosition = wmr(mtop) # store the motor mtop position in the variable mtopPosition. """ try: if name not in py4syn.mtrDB: py4syn.mtrDB[name] = Motor(PV, name) if show_info: print("") print("\tMotor " + name + " at " + str(PV) + " created with success") else: print("") print("\tName " + name + " already created") except Exception as e: print("\tError: ",e)
[docs]def umv(motor,position): """ Move the desired motor to an absolute position, waiting until movement ends,and show the position while it happens. Parameters ---------- motor : `string` Mnemonic of the motor used on the `createMotor` and `createPseudoMotor` functions position : `double` The desired absolute position """ try: print("") if py4syn.mtrDB[motor].getRealPosition()!= position: print("\t" + "Moving ",motor) py4syn.mtrDB[motor].setAbsolutePosition(position,False) time.sleep(polling) while py4syn.mtrDB[motor].isMoving(): print_no_newline("\t%5.4f"%py4syn.mtrDB[motor].getRealPosition()) time.sleep(polling) print_no_newline("\t%5.4f"%py4syn.mtrDB[motor].getRealPosition()) py4syn.mtrDB[motor].validateLimits() print("") except(KeyboardInterrupt): py4syn.mtrDB[motor].stop() print("\tStoped") except Exception as e: py4syn.mtrDB[motor].stop() print("\tError: ",e)
[docs]def mv(motor,position,wait=True): """ Move the desired motor to an absolute position, can or not wait until movement ends,**don't** show the position while moving. Parameters ---------- motor : `string` Mnemonic of the motor used on the `createMotor` and `createPseudoMotor` functions position : `double` The desired absolute position wait : `bool` Optional parameter that indicates if this function must wait until the movement finishes. Default value is True .. note:: - If `wait` is set to **False** the code will follow as the motor moves. """ try: py4syn.mtrDB[motor].setAbsolutePosition(position,wait) time.sleep(polling) if wait: py4syn.mtrDB[motor].validateLimits() except(KeyboardInterrupt): py4syn.mtrDB[motor].stop() print("\tStoped") except Exception as e: py4syn.mtrDB[motor].stop() print("\tError: ",e)
[docs]def umvr(motor,position): """ Move the desired motor to a **relative** position, waiting until movement ends,and show the position while it happens. Parameters ---------- motor : `string` Mnemonic of the motor used on the `createMotor` and `createPseudoMotor` functions position : `double` The desired relative position """ try: print("") print("\t" + "Moving",str(position)) py4syn.mtrDB[motor].setRelativePosition(position,False) time.sleep(polling) while py4syn.mtrDB[motor].isMoving(): print_no_newline("\t%5.4f"%py4syn.mtrDB[motor].getRealPosition()) time.sleep(polling) print_no_newline("\t%5.4f"%py4syn.mtrDB[motor].getRealPosition()) py4syn.mtrDB[motor].validateLimits() print("") except(KeyboardInterrupt): py4syn.mtrDB[motor].stop() print("\tStoped") except Exception as e: py4syn.mtrDB[motor].stop() print("\tError: ",e)
[docs]def mvr(motor,position,wait=True): """ Move the desired motor to a **relative** position, can or not wait until movement ends,**don't** show the position while moving. Parameters ---------- motor : `string` Mnemonic of the motor used on the `createMotor` and `createPseudoMotor` functions position : `double` The desired relative position wait : `bool` Optional parameter that indicates if this function must wait until the movement finishes. Default value is True .. note:: - If `wait` is set to **False** the code will follow as the motor moves. """ try: py4syn.mtrDB[motor].setRelativePosition(position,wait) time.sleep(polling) if wait: py4syn.mtrDB[motor].validateLimits() except(KeyboardInterrupt): py4syn.mtrDB[motor].stop() print("\tStoped") except Exception as e: py4syn.mtrDB[motor].stop() print("\tError: ",e)
[docs]def tw(mtr,step): """ Move the desired motor relative, wait the movement end and ask if you need to move again Parameters ---------- mtr : `string` Mnemonic of the motor used on the `createMotor` and `createPseudoMotor` functions step : `double` Desired relative step size """ def is_numeric(s): """ Verify if the string is numeric :param s: string to verify :type s: string :return: boolean :: None -- NAN True -- Number """ try: float(s) return True except(ValueError): pass try: value = "+" print("") while True: target = step value = input("\t"+mtr+" = %5.4f, Direction (%s):" %(py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getRealPosition(),value) ) or value if value != "-" and value != "+" and is_numeric(value) is None: break else: if value == "-": target = step * -1 if is_numeric(value): step = float(value) target = step if step < 0: step *= -1 if target > 0: value = "+" else: value = "-" mvr(mtr,target) except KeyboardInterrupt: py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].stop() except Exception: pass
[docs]def mmv(**kargs): """ Perform absolute movement in multiple motors at **almost** the same time Parameters ---------- kargs : `string` The motor name and desired position, e.g. x=10,y=10 """ flag = "" for key,value in kargs.items(): if key not in py4syn.mtrDB: flag = key if flag == "": for key,value in kargs.items(): mv(key,float(value),False) else: print("Motor " + flag + " Not Found !!!!")
[docs]def ummv(**kargs): """ Perform absolute movement in multiple motors at **almost** the same time and wait until movement finishes Parameters ---------- kargs : `string` The motor name and desired position, e.g. x=10,y=10 """ aux={} flag = "" for key,value in kargs.items(): if key not in py4syn.mtrDB: flag = key if flag == "": for key,value in kargs.items(): mv(key,float(value),False) aux[key] = "MOV" try: while "MOV" in aux.values(): for key,value in kargs.items(): if not py4syn.mtrDB[key].isMoving(): aux[key] = "STP" ca.poll(evt=0.01) except(KeyboardInterrupt): for key,value in kargs.items(): py4syn.mtrDB[key].stop() print("\tStoped") except Exception as e: for key,value in kargs.items(): py4syn.mtrDB[key].stop() print("\tError: ",e) else: print("Motor " + flag + " Not Found !!!!")
[docs]def mmvr(**kargs): """ Perform **relative** movement in multiple motors at **almost** the same time Parameters ---------- kargs : `string` The motor name and desired position, e.g. x=10,y=10 """ flag="" for key,value in kargs.items(): if key not in py4syn.mtrDB: flag = key if flag == "": for key,value in kargs.items(): mvr(key,float(value),False) else: print("Motor " + flag + " Not Found !!!!")
[docs]def ummvr(**kargs): """ Perform **relative** movement in multiple motors at **almost** the same time and wait until movement finishes Parameters ---------- kargs : `string` The motor name and desired position, e.g. x=10,y=10 """ aux={} flag = "" for key,value in kargs.items(): if key not in py4syn.mtrDB: flag = key if flag == "": for key,value in kargs.items(): mvr(key,float(value),False) aux[key] = "MOV" try: while "MOV" in aux.values(): for key,value in kargs.items(): if not py4syn.mtrDB[key].isMoving(): aux[key] = "STP" ca.poll(evt=0.01) except(KeyboardInterrupt): for key,value in kargs.items(): py4syn.mtrDB[key].stop() print("\tStoped") except Exception as e: for key,value in kargs.items(): py4syn.mtrDB[key].stop() print("\tError: ",e) else: print("Motor " + flag + " Not Found !!!!")
[docs]def wa(): """ Show the motor positions in dial and user coordinates """ print("") data = [[] for i in range(len(py4syn.mtrDB)+1)] data[0].append("Motor:") data[0].append("User:") data[0].append("Dial:") i = 1 for mtr in py4syn.mtrDB: data[i].append(mtr) data[i].append(str ("%5.4f"%py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getRealPosition())) data[i].append(str ("%5.4f"%py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getDialRealPosition())) i+=1 for row in data: print("{0:>20} {1:>20} {2:>20}".format(*row))
[docs]def wm(mtr): """ Show the position of one specific motor in dial and user coordinates Parameters ---------- mtr : `string` Mnemonic of the motor used on the `createMotor` and `createPseudoMotor` functions """ print("") data = [[]for i in range(2)] data[0].append("Motor:") data[0].append("User:") data[0].append("Dial:") data[1].append(mtr) data[1].append(str ("%5.4f"%py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getRealPosition())) data[1].append(str ("%5.4f"%py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getDialRealPosition())) for row in data: print("{0:>20} {1:>20} {2:>20}".format(*row))
[docs]def wmr(mtr): """ Return the motor position in user coordinates Parameters ---------- mtr : `string` Mnemonic of the motor used on the `createMotor` and `createPseudoMotor` functions Returns ---------- `double` Motor position in user coordinates """ return py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getRealPosition()
[docs]def lm(): """ Show the motors limits in dial and user coordinates """ data=[[]for i in range(len(py4syn.mtrDB)+1)] data[0].append("Motor:") data[0].append("User Low Limit:") data[0].append("User High Limit:") data[0].append("Dial Low Limit:") data[0].append("Dial High Limit:") i = 1 print("") for mtr in py4syn.mtrDB: data[i].append(mtr) data[i].append(str (py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getLowLimitValue())) data[i].append(str (py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getHighLimitValue())) data[i].append(str (py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getDialLowLimitValue())) data[i].append(str (py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getDialHighLimitValue())) i+=1 for row in data: print("{0:>20} {1:>20} {2:>20} {3:>20} {4:>20}".format(*row))
[docs]def lms(): """ Show the motors limits switch state """ data=[[]for i in range(len(py4syn.mtrDB)+1)] data[0].append("Motor:") data[0].append("Low Limit Switch:") data[0].append("High Limit Switch:") i = 1 print("") for mtr in py4syn.mtrDB: data[i].append(mtr) data[i].append(str (py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].isAtLowLimitSwitch())) data[i].append(str (py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].isAtHighLimitSwitch())) i+=1 for row in data: print("{0:>20} {1:>20} {2:>20}".format(*row))
[docs]def set_lm(mtr,ll,hl): """ Set the motor soft limits in user coordinates, will change **DHLM** and **DLLM** Parameters ---------- mtr : `string` Mnemonic of the motor used on the `createMotor` and `createPseudoMotor` functions ll : `double` Low Soft Limit value hl : `double` High Soft Limit value """ try: h_old = py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getDialHighLimitValue() l_old = py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getDialLowLimitValue() _dpos = py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getDialPosition() _pos = py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getPosition() h_new = (hl + (_dpos- _pos)) l_new = (ll + (_dpos - _pos)) py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].setDialHighLimitValue(h_new) py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].setDialLowLimitValue(l_new) print("") print("\tMotor High Limit Reseted from: " + str(h_old) + " to: " + str(h_new)) print("\tMotor Low Limit Reseted from: " + str(l_old) + " to: " + str(l_new)) except: print("") print("\tError!") print("")
[docs]def set_dial(mtr,position): """ Change the motor dial coordinates Parameters ---------- mtr : `string` Mnemonic of the motor used on the `createMotor` and `createPseudoMotor` functions position : `double` Desired position for dial coordinates """ if(isinstance(py4syn.mtrDB[mtr],PseudoMotor)): print("") print("\tError, set_dial not implemented for Pseudomotors.") print("") return try: _old = py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getDialPosition() _off = py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getOffset() _pos = py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getRealPosition() py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].setSETMode() py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].setFreezeOffset(1) py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].setDialPosition(position) time.sleep(0.1) py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].setVariableOffset(1) py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].setUSEMode() time.sleep(0.1) if py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getDirection() == 0: value = _off + (_old - position) else: value = _off - (_old-position) if py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getLVIO()==0 : py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].setOffset(value) print("") print("\tMotor " + mtr + " Reseted from: " + str(_old) + " to: " + str(position)) print("") else: print("") print("\tCheck the dial limits!") print("") except: print("") print("\tError!") print("")
[docs]def set(mtr,position): """ Change the motor user coordinates Parameters ---------- mtr : `string` Mnemonic of the motor used on the `createMotor` and `createPseudoMotor` functions position : `double` Desired position for user coordinates """ try: if(isinstance(py4syn.mtrDB[mtr],Motor)): _dpos= py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getDialPosition() _pos = py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getPosition() if py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].getDirection() == 0: value = (position-_dpos) else: value = (position+_dpos) py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].setOffset(value) print("") print("\tMotor " + mtr + " Reseted from: " + str(_pos) + " to: " + str(position)) print("") else: py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].setOffset(position) except: print("") print("\tError!") print("")
[docs]def stop(): """ Stops all motors in py4syn.mtrDB dictionary """ try: for mtr in py4syn.mtrDB: py4syn.mtrDB[mtr].stop() print("\tMotor " + mtr + " Stopped") except: print("\tError")